How can Stanair help me to keep cool?
Posted on 24th June 2024 at 11:50
Britain is getting hotter and hotter.
It is official.
The average temperature has risen 0.9 degrees since 1884 and shows no signs of slowing down.
With summer just around the corner Simon has been asked about how to keep your business cool in 2023.
The Met Office predict that we can except to see at least one prolonged heatwave every three years.
This is not good news if you work in an unairconditioned warehouse or factory where temperatures can very quickly rise to uncomfortable levels. The good news it that there are alternatives to switching on your (very expensive and energy consuming) air conditioning.
Read on to learn our top five tips for staying cool in the heat.
1. Use Mesh Screens to keep pests out and let air in.
It is only natural. Once the heat starts, throw open your windows and doors. Fine. That lets some air through, but it also lets others have free access to your site. These others can be of the flying variety, the four-legged variety or even the two-legged variety. Add to that increased levels of dust, pollen and pollution and things can become quite unpleasant quite quickly.
Mesh screen doors can help stop the entrance of unwanted guests whilst still allowing cool air to flow in and heated air to escape. These can be sourced in a variety of sizes, colours and types and, depending on your use of the opening, can be fixed in place (if the door is not used much), attached to a tube motor (for some use) or even as part of a Rapid Action Door. The latter choice means you can use your door freely without having to worry about security breaches or slowing down production. Brilliant!
2. Install Rapid Action Doors.
We have in previous blogs discussed how a Rapid Action or High-Speed Door is brilliant at keeping heat in. It seems unusual then to say it helps keep your factory cool but they do! The key is that they create an effective seal against the outside which keep any heat out and any cool in. This is very good news if you use air-conditioning in your factory.
High Speed Doors are designed to be open for as little time as necessary so traffic can easily flow in and out but not a lot else – including noise pollution. Also, the PVC in the curtain helps to absorb the heat and reflect it back to the outside meaning that the inside stays cooler for longer. Great stuff.
3. PVC Strip Curtains.
These are a quick and efficient way to allow air in without allowing pests to contaminate your site. Granted, they are not as efficient as Rapid Action Doors but they able to allow a flow of air through your site whilst giving some protection from airborne pests. Economical, easy to maintain and easy to use, PVC strips curtains can be a great choice. Read more about their benefits in our blog here(put blog title in). Our experts can suggest the best places to place the curtains to maximise their benefits to you. Just give us a call or visit our website to find out more.
4. Trackless Gates.
These can be a great option if you have a door that is not often used but still, if left open, could be a security risk. Trackless gates pull across the opening to the door stopping any unauthorised visitors or opportunists from helping themselves to what is on your site. Once the door is open, these lockable gates can be left to guard your property – keeping it cool but secure.
5. Window bars.
Leaving your windows open can allow air in but can also allow the access of intruders. To maintain security whilst also keeping cool, you can install window bars or grilles on your property. These give year round protection for what can be the most vulnerable areas of your property to attack. And, sadly, an open window can be an open invitation to thieves who see an opportunity. Bars will certainly make them think twice.
Finally, it is not to do with doors, windows or security equipment but make sure that your staff are keep hydrated and comfortable in the rising heat. You can do this by using fans, installing water fountains and even by painting the roof of your premises white.
As a famous saying goes, every little helps.
To find out more about how Stanair can help you and you business save energy, lower temperatures and keep your site secure, contact us today by filling out our short contact form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

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